01 Our Mission
The Social Structures Foundation undertakes, commissions, and participates in research and educational programs on global economic, social, justice and communication issues that enhance the welfare of the world’s citizens and promote global economic growth.
It supports research and educational programs that reveal the preferences, capabilities, and choices of the world’s citizens. It disseminates its results through all forms of communications, including publication, conferences, traditional media, and social media. It invests in companies or donates to charitable trusts or other foundations that work toward achieving the Foundation’s objectives.
02 Our Projects
Towards a Better Global Economy Project
The “Towards a Better Global Economy” initiative by the Social Structures Foundation analyzed post-2008 economic shifts. Insights from experts culminated in the 2014 book, which offers guidance for sustainable economic policies.
How Can Greece’s Economy Achieve Sustainable Growth? Estimating the Impact of Alternative Policy Measures Designed to Spur Growth
Research and dialogue on stable peace and inclusive recovery in Ethiopia